travel funds available: eb itch clinical trial
Repurposing Dupilumab for Management of Pruritic Genetic Inflammatory Skin Disorders
Principal investigator: Dr. Amy Paller, Northwestern University, Chicago
Is your EB very itchy? Funding available for travel to the 4 critical in-person visits in Chicago for up to 10 participants.
We are looking for people with Epidermolysis bullosa between the ages of 6 months and 70 years who itch. This research is being done to determine the effect of dupilumab on itch in children and adults with EB. Dupilumab is an FDA-approved drug for treating 6-month-old babies through adults with eczema, an itch skin disorder, and is injected under the skin. Early evidence suggests that dupilumab can reduce your levels of itch as well. The information learned from this study may also help other people with EB in the future.
After consenting, there will be an observational period of 8 weeks (done at home) in which you will monitor your level of itch, followed by a treatment period of 16 weeks in which you will receive the dupilumab. This may be followed by a 20-month long-term extension period for those who qualify and wish to continue. You may have up to 34 visits in total, 4 of them will be on-site (in Chicago) and 30 visits will be virtual. You will be asked to complete questionnaires weekly. You will be paid for completed study visits.
By completing all study procedures and visits, you may be compensated up to $1,920 during the 26 months of study for your time and effort. In addition, there is travel reimbursement up to $1700 for reach visit to Chicago for the person with EB and a companion if needed.
If you’d like to receive more information about the study, please call Dr. Lydia Rabbaa at 312-227-6817 or email: [email protected]
Principal investigator: Dr. Amy Paller, Northwestern University, Chicago
Is your EB very itchy? Funding available for travel to the 4 critical in-person visits in Chicago for up to 10 participants.
We are looking for people with Epidermolysis bullosa between the ages of 6 months and 70 years who itch. This research is being done to determine the effect of dupilumab on itch in children and adults with EB. Dupilumab is an FDA-approved drug for treating 6-month-old babies through adults with eczema, an itch skin disorder, and is injected under the skin. Early evidence suggests that dupilumab can reduce your levels of itch as well. The information learned from this study may also help other people with EB in the future.
After consenting, there will be an observational period of 8 weeks (done at home) in which you will monitor your level of itch, followed by a treatment period of 16 weeks in which you will receive the dupilumab. This may be followed by a 20-month long-term extension period for those who qualify and wish to continue. You may have up to 34 visits in total, 4 of them will be on-site (in Chicago) and 30 visits will be virtual. You will be asked to complete questionnaires weekly. You will be paid for completed study visits.
By completing all study procedures and visits, you may be compensated up to $1,920 during the 26 months of study for your time and effort. In addition, there is travel reimbursement up to $1700 for reach visit to Chicago for the person with EB and a companion if needed.
If you’d like to receive more information about the study, please call Dr. Lydia Rabbaa at 312-227-6817 or email: [email protected]